woensdag 28 augustus 2013

to the Woods...

How I Go to the Woods  

        Ordinarily I go to the woods alone, with not a single

        friend, for they are all smilers and talkers and 

        I don’t really want to be witnessed talking to the 

        or hugging the old black oak tree. I have my way of
        praying, as you no doubt have yours.

        Besides, when I am alone I can become invisible. I

        can sit
        on the top of a dune as motionless as an uprise of
        until the foxes run by unconcerned. I can hear the
        unhearable sound of the roses singing.

        If you have ever gone to the woods with me, I must

        you very much.

Mary Oliver (Swan)

maandag 26 augustus 2013

zaterdag 24 augustus 2013


mijn quasi onveranderd schooltje (van '68 tot '77),
lagere (1ste+2de verdiep) + 3 jaar humaniora(3de verdiep)

studie, juist ja...      vroeger het fluitsignaal door de subregent, nu een rood licht

op weg naar huis: de Elisabethskerk, waar ik mijn eerste en plechtige communie deed :-)

nog 2 straten, maar eerst langs het parkske...

... en langs het huis van m'n beste vriend

bijna thuis, gewoon nog 100 meter recht vooruit...

m'n ouderlijke thuis... binnen langs de garagedeur en dan naar boven naar m'n studeerkamer onder de velux...


The weak can never forgive. 
Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. 

Mahatma Gandhi

donderdag 22 augustus 2013

zaterdag 17 augustus 2013

woensdag 14 augustus 2013


compassion doesn’t need doing



dirtydishWe do-gooders think quite a bit about compassion. We want to have it, feel it and share it. There is so much we think we need to do to make the world a better place. 

But compassion doesn’t need doing. It exists already in the harmony of things just the way they are. Discord comes from our doing. 
Compassion comes from undoing. It greets us when we undo our boundaries and erase the lines we said we’d never cross. 
Compassion waits in the space between us, the space that only seems to separate us; a gapless gap we close by reaching an arm’s length in front of us to wipe a tear or wash a bowl. You won’t find compassion in the brain. You will find it in your hands.
We can only love the world we wake up to. Start right here.

Good morning.

karen maezen miller

dinsdag 13 augustus 2013

maandag 12 augustus 2013

zondag 11 augustus 2013

zo verschrikkelijk mooi...

in feite hoeven hier geen woorden bij, maar...

Long story short, “Marina Abromovic and Ulay started an intense love story in the 70s, performing art out of the van they lived in. When they felt the relationship had run its course, they decided to walk the Great Wall of China, each from one end, meeting for one last big hug in the middle and never seeing each other again.
At her 2010 MoMa retrospective Marina performed ‘The Artist Is Present’ as part of the show, where she shared a minute of silence with each stranger who sat in front of her. Ulay arrived without her knowing and this is what happened.”

dinsdag 6 augustus 2013

zondag 4 augustus 2013

een weekje Cotswolds...



Berkeley castle



Sudeley Castle

de secret garden...      het mooiste plekje...     ik was er niet alleen...
